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The Potter's House Church of Santa Rosa, California is actively involved in church planting across the globe. Our entire ministry is focused on making disciples to reach the desperate people of the world. We believe in the dignity of the local church, and that Biblical church growth is patterned not by mega-churches in large cities, but by the training of disciples in the local church who pioneer their own congregations.
Church planting is wholly supported by, financed by, and staffed by the converts and disciples of the local church, and it is through this process that Christian Fellowship Ministries has grown to more than 2,700 churches around the world.
Click on these links to read about our pastors and churches currently serving all over the world. Find a church near you, or get lost in the fascinating world of world impact ministry. We would be honored to have you join us in our vision to reach the world for Jesus Christ!
The United States

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